
Guaranteed Pricing - No Surprises!

You get a free, on-site, firm, detailed, “No Obligation” price quote that is reasonably priced. We use only the highest quality paint and pass our “Contractor” pricing on to you. We also want you to inspect our work before you pay a dime!

We do ALL the work for you!

Our crews will respect your home and office with clean and organized projects. We will remove and replace all window treatments, switch plates and cold air returns. We will also move your furniture for you and move it back.

No Job-Hopping!

So many trades job-hop because of poor contractor timelines, leaving you feeling like “Will this ever end?”  Our crews will start on schedule and work every single day until the project is completed – on schedule.

Don’t settle for less.

Career Painters

We do not hire “party students looking for a summer job, pick up labourers at cash corner, or sub-contract. We hire only professional painters dedicated to a career in the industry. They are punctual, professional and FAST.

Attention to Detail...

While our crews strive to achieve a higher standard, our inspectors…

Expect Perfection!

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Once we are all finished, we will do a walk through the project with you. Any concerns are dealt with before our painters pack up and definitely before we hand you an invoice. We want you to be 100% satisfied before we call it done.

We are licensed, insured for liability and we are covered by Workers’ Compensation.

Should you require proof of licensing, WCB or insurance, please do not hesitate to call our office. Your request will be sent to you promptly.